Sunday, October 3, 2021

It's Killua's World and I Just Live In It

 Hi guys!

    I'm dedicating my blog to my precious little cat, Killua. 


    I was never a cat person growing up but one day I went to my boyfriend's house and they happened to get a kitten. Her name is Moo Moo and she's the reason I love cats now. After some time we realized Moo Moo was going to have kittens of her own and on April 28, 2019, they were born. I wanted a kitten so bad but my parents always said no,  my mom does not like cats at all and my dad just wanted to keep my mom happy. No matter how many times I asked them if I could have one the answer remained the same, no. I loved being around the litter when I went to visit my boyfriend and as they got older they started giving some away. My favorite kitten managed to stay behind and I would always cuddle him because he was a little chunkster. One night before I was leaving to go home I just decided to take him home without warning my parents, the worst that could happen was returning him so I went for it. He hated being in the car and would cling to me as I drove, his claws hurt but it was so cute. Finally, we made it home and I surprised everyone. My brothers were excited to have him there but my mom was not having it. She said she was going to rehome him if I didn't take him back. She actually did bring people around to see him and try to get rid of him but 2.5 years later and he hasn't left.   

  As a kitten he would sleep in my room, I made him a little bed next to mine but he didn't like it and would jump to my bed every night. He loved to sleep by my head or my feet no in-between. No matter how many times I would try and put him in his bed he would always come back. I loved having him in my room but he was an early bird and I was not. He calls for breakfast at 7 in the morning and I just couldn't keep up with him. We eventually realized he preferred to be outside so we let him out and about and we bring him in when he feels like it. One night I knocked out and heard him meowing right when I saw him staring at me through my window from a tree. He was almost all the way up and I thought he was stuck. I went outside and to try and see if he could come down. He only went higher, I brought out the ladder and went up when all of a sudden he swiftly comes down. I was so annoyed it was 1am at that point but the feeling went away, I can't stay mad at him and it was pretty funny.

    I named him Killua after my favorite character on Hunter x Hunter, they are both very cool, calm, and collected. We would watch the show together and he would actually pay attention. I really couldn't have asked for a better cat; all he does is sleep, eat, and hangs out with me. His first birthday was during the lockdown and I was very bored so I decided to have a birthday party for him. I think it was more fun for me than it was for him but he definitely appreciated the extra food and treats. We had a little cupcake for him, decorated the house, and made him a little hat. His 2nd birthday was just as fun, I got him a little taco truck scratching toy and he never used it but again he loved the food. 

    I am convinced I have the best cat ever, I feel very lucky to be his cat mom.

Fun Facts about Killua: 

1. He listens when spoken to in Spanish

2. He is obsessed with Temptations cat treats, we can leave a bag near him, or else he'll rip it and eat them all.

3. He has about 20+ siblings now

4. He likes to climb trees and screen doors

5. He likes Ritz crackers and Mexican food


  1. Hey Dominique!
    That was so such a good read. thanks for sharing ! ^.<

  2. Hey Dominique, nice job setting up your blog! It was fun reading all about your cute cat Killua =)

  3. Hi Dominique,

    Cute cat! I've never owned any cats because I've always been more of a dog person, but my best friend owns a cat, and she was super sweet. I love the taco truck, too!

  4. I am not much of a cat person myself but after reading your blog, I realized that they are not as bad as I think. It's funny to know that your cat can understand when he is being spoken to in spanish.

  5. Hi Dominique, I like how you named your cat Killua. I am a big fan of HxH and its cool hearing how you both watched the show together.

  6. This was a very wholesome blog post! This was great quality and content especially because of the super cute video.

  7. how cool ive never had a cat ive always been scared of them but seeing this makes me think twice

  8. I used to have a cat before I moved to the United States. He loved to walk between my two legs. It was tickling but I didn’t stop him because he was so cute. I missed him so much.

  9. Beautifully designed blog. I love cats. I have four:

    Garfield cries more for attention than for food.

    Nermal doesn't like pets, but loves feet; he will rub them with his head when they are presented.

    Rhianna sits like a proper cat, but also loves to roll in dirt a lot and catch lizards

    Beyonce is a little bigger than Rhianna, but she loves sitting in boxes. All kinds of boxes.

    "5. He likes Ritz crackers and Mexican food"

    I have found my spirit animal.

  10. Hi Dominique!
    Thank you for sharing. Killua is such a smart and funny kitty. You sound like an amazing cat mom and I hope to be as good of a mom to my 4 cats as you are to him!


It's Killua's World and I Just Live In It

 Hi guys!     I'm dedicating my blog to my precious little cat, Killua.            I was never a cat person growing up but one day I wen...